New Year, New Goals


New Year New Goals | ProjectsHalfDone

Somehow we are already halfway through the first month of 2018! I hope it has been going well for you.

Like most, I’ve been contemplating my goals for the year and determining what are the most important aspects of my life that I want to work to improve. These goals tend to fall in to different categories for all of us; personal goals, fitness goals, and of course work related goals. As we spend something around 35% of our waking hours during our lifetime at work…this is a major category for most of us. I think it is important to discuss our goals and to put them out there so that we might be held accountable in some fashion. Without further ado, here are my 2018 goals as they relate to work.

  1. Protect my time – This means not saying “yes” to every single thing that walks in my door. This means not booking meetings during the time I’ve already dedicated on my calendar for writing. This means protecting my time from myself…meaning distractions, my phone, ect.
  2. Write more – I’ve been doing better about this in 2017, but I really want to make 2018 my year of writing. This can be blogging, writing an article, or just editing prior writing. Writing is one of the most important parts of most of our jobs here in academia, and I can certainly improve my practice.
  3. Stand up – I have a standing desk. I need to use it. Research shows that sitting all day is as bad for our health as smoking. I’ve seen evidence of the detrimental effects of sitting in my own physical condition in the last year, having injury after injury that all seemed to get better the more I moved and the less I sat.

I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but these are some of the things that I think will help me to be more engaged and productive at my job, as well as enjoy it more. I have other health and fitness goals, but I also try to limit those to manageable numbers that I can directly examine for progress.

What are your 2018 work goals? Do you set work goals or just personal ones? I’d love to hear about what you envision for the year ahead!

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